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RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010-

Protect your bumper from minor dings and scratches while giving your car a rugged, adventurous look. Crafted from durable materials, the guard ensures long-lasting protection in various driving conditions.

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RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010-

RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010-

Protect your bumper from minor dings and scratches while giving your car a rugged, adventurous look. Crafted from durable materials, the guard ensures long-lasting protection in various driving conditions.

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RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010-

RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010-

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RACES Bumper guard ABS MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010- RACES Bumper guard MATT MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010- DANNEGGIATO


Protect your bumper from minor dings and scratches while giving your car a rugged, adventurous look. Crafted from durable materials, the guard ensures long-lasting protection in various driving conditions.

We understand your love for your car, and that's why we offer advanced protection solutions. Shield your vehicle from harsh weather, road debris, and wear and tear with specially designed protective accessories. Keep your car looking pristine and preserve its value for years to come.


Product specifications:

  • Compatible with: MAZDA 5 -II - CW 2010>
  • Material: MAT
  • Product reference: RS-BUG-241-MAT


No need to be an expert mechanic! You can install them yourself or get them professionally fitted for added convenience.


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