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Window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 4pcs (front+rear)

Custom-made window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) ensure natural air circulation in the vehicle in all weather conditions.

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67,80 € iva incl.

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Window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 4pcs (front+rear)

Window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 4pcs (front+rear)

Custom-made window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) ensure natural air circulation in the vehicle in all weather conditions.

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Window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 4pcs (front+rear)

Window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 4pcs (front+rear)

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Custom-made window deflectors for HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) ensure natural air circulation in the vehicle in all weather conditions.

Window deflectors allow the windows to be opened in all weathers, ensuring natural air circulation inside the vehicle and preventing fogging of the windows in rain, fog or snow. This stylish accessory also regulates the airflow and protects the driver from the unpleasant effects of air flowing into the vehicle when the window is open. Wind deflectors (window deflectors) are particularly appreciated in difficult weather conditions (high temperatures, rain, snow) and are also very popular among professional drivers.

The deflector is made of durable moulded Plexiglas (PMMA) and comes complete with installation instructions.


Product specification:

Suitable for: HONDA CIVIC VII 5D 2001-2005 HTB (+OT) 5-door

Pieces included in the package: 4pcs (front+rear) 

Material: PMMA plexiglass

Thickness: 2-3mm

Colour: dark smoke

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